
create graphics in pelican

iamlauriano opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using the pelican as a CMS, and I want to create graphics on the pages using Python-markdown, does anyone have any idea how I do this?

Hi Lauriano. What kind of graphics? Without more detail regarding exactly what you are trying to achieve, it's hard to even begin to think about potential suggestions.

Have you looked at the plethora of Pelican plugins to see whether one would meet your needs? For example, the Graphviz plugin.

Hi @justinmayer, Very thanks for the reply, I'm new to the pelican, I've been studying for a few weeks,
my question is to generate interactive graphics, using a python lib like Plotly
Example create a graphic on a page and/or post.

I'll take a look at the Graphviz Plugin

I don't know anything about Plotly. For graphs/charts, you might find an appropriate tag in the Liquid Tags plugin. For example, there appears to be one for Pygal.