UWP events missing debug_meta.images information
rodolfoBee opened this issue · 1 comments
rodolfoBee commented
.NET Flavor
.NET Version
SDK Version
Self-Hosted Sentry Version
No response
Steps to Reproduce
Still unclear the exact steps to reproduce.
Project Setup:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64'" >
<OutputPath> bin\x64\Release\ </OutputPath >
<DefineConstants>TRACE;NETFX_CORE;WINDOWS_UWP </DefineConstants >
<Optimize>true </Optimize >
<NoWarn> 2008 </NoWarn >
<DebugType> pdbonly </DebugType >
<PlatformTarget>x64 </PlatformTarget >
<UseVSHostingProcess> false </UseVSHostingProcess >
<ErrorReport> prompt </ErrorReport >
<Prefer32Bit> true </Prefer32Bit >
<UseDotNetNativeToolchain> true </UseDotNetNativeToolchain >
</PropertyGroup >
SDK configuration:
public App(){
SentrySdk.Init(o =>
o.IsGlobalModeEnabled = true;
o.Dsn = "...";
UnhandledException += OnApplicationUnhandledException;
private void OnApplicationUnhandledException(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args)
Exception exception = args.Exception;
exception.Data[Mechanism.HandledKey] = false;
exception.Data[Mechanism.MechanismKey] = "Application.UnhandledException";
SentrySdk.CaptureException(exception, scope =>
List<(string filename, string content)> lastLogFilenameAndContents = LoggerFactory.GetLogs();
foreach ((string filename, string content) in lastLogFilenameAndContents)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
scope.AddAttachment(bytes, filename, AttachmentType.Default, "text/plain");
Expected Result
Events have the debug image information.
Actual Result
Events do not have this information, as a result Sentry symbolicator does not find or apply debug information files required to see the line numbers and source code in its stack trace.
[edited to add o.IsGlobalModeEnabled = true;
to init]
bitsandfoxes commented
Thanks for the details project settings.