
Capture stacktrace for out-of-band errors

miparnisari opened this issue · 3 comments

What is the proper way of capturing the stacktrace of an error when the capturing itself is done "out-of-band" (not sure if this is the proper way of calling it)? For example, in a logging middleware that runs at the end of every request? In my current setup I have AttachStacktrace = true and this code

func (c *SentryClient) LogException(ctx context.Context, err error, operation string, extras map[string]interface{}) {
	c.hub.ConfigureScope(func(scope *sentry.Scope) {
		scope.SetUser(sentry.User{ID: "user-id-here"})
		transaction := sentry.TransactionFromContext(ctx)
		if transaction != nil {
			transaction.Name = operation

But this shows the stacktrace as follows, which is not what I want...

/instrumentation/exceptions.go in (*SentryClient).LogException at line 58
In App
/middleware/logging.go in (*InstrumentationInterceptor).logRPC at line 212
In App
/middleware/logging.go in runServer.(*InstrumentationInterceptor).NewUnaryInstrumentationInterceptor.func14 at line 74

This is the code that generates the stack trace
Are you using any of the error packages mentioned?

This issue has gone three weeks without activity. In another week, I will close it.

But! If you comment or otherwise update it, I will reset the clock, and if you label it Status: Backlog or Status: In Progress, I will leave it alone ... forever!

"A weed is but an unloved flower." ― Ella Wheeler Wilcox 🥀