
AuditLog for Org Auth Token showing how it was used

thinkocapo opened this issue · 2 comments

Problem Statement

When you go to OrgSettings and look at Auth Tokens, it's hard to see which of your hundreds of teams and users might be using it. Making it worse, there's a known problem where it says 'Never Used' even though it's been used.

Solution Brainstorm

"It would be good to know which tokens are used though if possible with the last access field "

Or maybe some piece of data that says Which User created the Org Auth Token. Any developer could be using it, and may not give it a good name/prefix. It could be used by multiple teams+apps.

Product Area

Settings - Auth

Assigning to @getsentry/support for routing ⏲️

Routing to @getsentry/product-owners-settings-auth for triage ⏲️