
Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {message, params, formatted})

Opened this issue · 3 comments

"Tested with current version of spotlight, and things seem much improved: the overlay no longer crashes when Sentry captures an error. However, in some cases I am still seeing "Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {message, params, formatted}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead." This error appears both in the spotlight overlay and in Sentry. Guess I will need to create a minimal reproduce case if no one else is seeing this."

Originally posted by @mfb in #275 (comment)

"@Shubhdeep12 here's a minimal reproduce case for this issue:
You will need to run npm install, make the directory available via a local webserver, start the sidecar service, load index.html in your browser, then click the element to trigger an error."

Originally posted by @mfb in #275 (comment)

Took the liberty to extract this to its own issue since it wasn't directly related to the original issue in #275.
I also experienced this kinda randomly when clicking on spans in the trace view.

@Shubhdeep12 let's try to fix this. Let me know if the reproduction is enough or if you need more help. Thanks!

Hi @Lms24

  • it would be great if you could also share some more context like a sampled file or something.
  • I checked the above reproduction code. it's working fine for me
  • On looking at the error message, it looks like the issue is with the type of message in the event fixed here - #357