
`exec-env` does not work when encrypted file is in a parent directory

ScottGuymer opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a folder structure like

├─ subfolder/
│  ├─
├─ secrets.enc.yaml

from my-app I can run

sops secrets.enc.yaml
sops -d secrets.enc.yaml
sops exe-env secrets.enc.yaml

all work correctly. But, if I change directory into subfolder then

sops ../secrets.enc.yaml
sops -d ../secrets.enc.yaml

work as expected. However,

sops exe-env ../secrets.enc.yaml

gives an error like

sops exe-env ../secrets.enc.yaml
error: missing file to decrypt

I can't seem to see a reason why exec-env has a different behaviour and does not work as the other commands do.

I cannot reproduce this. First, none of the exec-env commands you showed actually work:

  1. It's exec-env, not exe-env (I guess that typo happened when you wrote this post and it's not actually what you ran);
  2. exec-env expects two positional parameters, you provided one (the file to decrypt).

If I run sops exec-env ../x.yml /bin/bash I end up in a shell where the values in ../x.yml are available. Same for sops exec-env ../x.yml export. But if I run sops exec-env ../x.yml or sops exec-env ../x.yml /bin/bash -c export or something else where there are not exactly two positional arguments, I get the message you mentioned (error: missing file to decrypt).

So my guess is that you ran something with not exactly two positional arguments to exec-env.

Apologies, it seems I was being a total moron when I was testing this out..

What I was trying to do was make this work from a package.json...

And I think I got my wires totally crossed when I dropped out of that to a shell when it did not work correctly the first time.

In the cold light of day, and your comments I see the issue.

here is what I had in my package.json

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "sops exec-env ../ concurrently \"yarn start\" \"yarn start-backend\"",

Which yielded the error above...

But adding in some ' seems to do the trick and make it work.

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "sops exec-env ../ 'concurrently \"yarn start\" \"yarn start-backend\"'",

(I dont think the error message itself helped out either 😆)

(I dont think the error message itself helped out either 😆)

I fully agree! :)