
README.rst is not correctly rendered

edigaryev opened this issue · 16 comments


Screenshot 2024-01-13 at 01 20 25

I think imgur is part of the problem. "Direct file links" aren't anymore if it detects certain user agents, including all mobile browsers. Just put the gif in the repo.

Interesting, this must have changed recently. A few days ago I was still able to see the rendered version.

I have opened a github ticket about this because I wasn't sure what was going on and I couldn't even get to the issues tab for this repo. I think they might try to optimize to fix this issue. However, reducing the size of the file would be a big help. For different sections you could put them in a docs/ directory with links from the original file.

Here's the error as I'm seeing it now:

Screen Shot 2024-01-12 at 2 07 35 PM

This is indirectly related to getsops/community#9

@chrisgilmerproj do you have a link to that issue? This is quite a problem for many other projects as well (quite a few changelogs for Ansible-related projects use RST and also no longer render on GitHub).

I found so far, but that only shows others are having this problem too.

@felixfontein - Here's what I got from Github support before they closed my ticket:

Thank you for writing in! I'm sorry you have experienced this problem.

I’ve escalated your report to our engineering team for further investigation.

I'm afraid our system may mark this ticket as "solved" now that the issue has been created with the engineering team, but that doesn't mean we've forgotten about it.

We'll be back in touch when we have any updates!

If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know 😁

I have left a request for them to link me to the engineering ticket so that I might connect you to it.

Thanks again for looking into this.

@chrisgilmerproj thanks a lot! My guess is that they changed a timeout, or maybe they pre-rendered these documents in the past and stopped doing that... There has been no change to the renderer itself in the last months (or at least none to, which apparently contains the code).

As a temporary fix, we could programmatically convert the RST file to MD until all PRs modifying the RST have been merged and we decided how to continue with the README in general. I've created #1424 for this.

@getsops/maintainers what do you think?

@hiddeco are you the main maintainer nowadays? Anyway we can get the workaround PR merged to fix this issue? I am giving a talk on SOPS next week and this issue concerns me as folks are going to come to the project and think it's dead / not run currently, which makes my talk look bad haha. Please help out if you can!

The project is far from dead or unmaintained, and we have multiple people looking after it including plans in the works to ramp up the engagement with the community.

Due to some unfortunate events around the company that used to pay me for my work in open-source, in combination with COVID and some other family related matters, I have been distracted for the last month(s). But I have the following two weeks available to spend on going through the backlog.

The README is now rendering again - see Unfortunately the code blocks have no syntax highlighting, but instead have underlines. But hey, at least it's readable again... 🤷

The broken RST code block syntax highlighting has a separate discussion on GitHub:

The syntax highlighting has been fixed. What's still missing is the Table of Contents.