
How does one use `decrypt.File` provided by the mozilla sops decrypt go module

Janik-Haag opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey I'm running into a similar error to #804
I'm opening this issue because my question is a bit different sorry if this is a duplicate.

my .sops.yaml basically looks like:

  - &janik age1...
  - path_regex: ^secrets/shared.yaml$
      - age:
        - *janik

this is a minimal code example to reproduce the behavior:

package main

import (

func main() {
	plain, err := decrypt.File("./secrets/shared.yaml", "yaml")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("Failed to decrypt: %w", err))

if I run the resulting binary it prints:

Failed to decrypt: No keys found in file

I also checked that XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set correctly and decrypting the file with the sops cli utility works just fine and using other tools that implement sops like also works without any problem.

I also checked in the ./secrets/shared.yaml and it basically looks like:

    kms: []
    gcp_kms: []
    azure_kv: []
    hc_vault: []
        - recipient: age1...
          enc: |
            -----BEGIN AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----
            -----END AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----


Please note that the package moved (#1246). It could be that the problem you are encountering is caused by a bug long fixed in this repo.

In any case, the general usage is correct, I tried this with and a different file to decrypt, and it gave me a long list of bytes :) I don't use age keys though, so maybe the problem is (also) related to that.

Thank you! Changing the url made it work.

I'm glad it was only this and not a real bug 😅