
Qbittorent or Filebrowser Issue ‼️

prashantdwivedi opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, team. You guys are doing an incredible job of creating such an outstanding OS.

I get problems after installing a fresh OS on Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Ram version.

1: Attempt
After Fresh Install OS
1- Install Filebrowser
2- Install qbitttorrent

Add torrent and let to download but cannot access that downloaded file from filebrowser.
2: Attempt
After Fresh Install OS
1- Install qbitttorrent
2- Install Filebrowser

Add torrent and let to download but cannot access that downloaded file from filebrowser.

Please FIX it. ISSUE

Suggestion: Please make a DEFAULT umbrella File browser like CASA OS has.

Current filebrowser is Pain in Your OS.
The filebrowser is broken and not able to access through the root.

Umbrel OS ❤️

I haven't received any response from the developer yet. Can you please help me with this?

QBittorrent probably downloads all media into it's app directory (~/umbrel/app-data/<app_id>), while filebrowser provides access to the umbrel data dir (~/umbrel/data/storage). I'll inspect qbittorrent's docker-compose and fix it. Right now you could use transmission as you bittorrent client, or use ssh to copy the files

I switched it to CasaOS, which is much better related to torrent and file management.

Developers should check out casaOS, which has an excellent default file browser that can easily connect with Google Drive, Dropbox, and other services and allows for easy file transfer.

You need to make it a file browser as well.

QBittorrent mounts $UMBREL_ROOT/downloads to /downloads. All files should be downloaded to directory

You need to make it a file browser as well.

It already exists as an app

You need to make it a file browser as well.

It already exists as an app

No, dude. You have to install the File Browser app, and that file browser does not get root access.
Please try 'Casa OS. It is better than the file default` app and comes with default.

If I have to do manual stuff, why use umbrel? Then, you must remove the line no technical knowledge required from the website.
CleanShot 2024-04-13 at 19 18 57@2x

Try CasaOS. It is called "no technical knowledge required"; now my love for umbrel is 💔 break.

Well, Umbrel is still developing. Linux support was added less than a month ago.

(It also requires much less technical knowledge than running everything yourself)

Also, you should probably mark the issue as closed

Hey, @lukechilds, can you close this issue? (works as intended)