
UmbrelOS install on Debian fails [solution found, needs review]

highghlow opened this issue · 5 comments

OS: Debian x64, just installed + installed sudo and curl

The UmbrelOS installation script fails while trying to install some pip libraries. This is caused by an update in pip, that disallows installing any packages through it, to protect the system (keyword: externally-managed-environment). If this system is deactivated by removing /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED pip errors out with AttributeError: cython_sources <...> error: subprocess-exited-with-error.

The issue seem to occur when installing docker-compose using pip in install_docker-compose. This package is packaged by Debian, so the code in this function could be replaced with

install_docker_compose() {
  sudo apt-get install --yes libffi-dev docker-compose

After this modification the installation succedes

Would a easier solution be to update the start script to use "docker compose" instead of docker-compose?

Would a easier solution be to update the start script to use "docker compose" instead of docker-compose?

In my experience, docker compose never worked. Maybe they changed something, but this doesn't change the underlying issue

That’s interesting, I couldn’t get it to work with your changes but simply updating it to use docker compose worked instantly.

That’s interesting, I couldn’t get it to work with your changes but simply updating it to use docker compose worked instantly.

Maybe it tries to use the faulty python library when you call docker-compose, but uses the proper one when you call docker compose