
Is the Umbrel install by script coming back any time?

pablote opened this issue · 12 comments

After having my personal Umbrel down for a while, I'm trying to set it up again in a new system. Tried installing it today and...

With the release of umbrelOS 1.0, umbrelOS now needs to be installed directly as the operating system on your device's internal storage, not on top of an existing OS like Debian or Ubuntu. Check out our step-by-step guide at

Well, that's depressing. Every guide is about how you can image an SD from scratch or similar. That's just not an option for me, to give it a full system, I need to be able to install it on an existing one. Is the option to install by script in an existing system ever coming back? or am I out of Umbre for good? thanks

I also hope the old installation will come back, because with the new instructions it's a headache, there's not even an ISO to install :/

I think it could be possible. The img file copies a tar.gz file with a debian installation inside it to the drive. I think they use a script to install umbrel on a fresh debian installation, package it up, add an installer and publish. But it's just a theory

I checked, it's true:

xz --decompress --stdout /umbrelos-amd64.img.xz | dd of=$device_path bs=4M status=progress

Maybe it's possible to make an installer

@highghlow if you can figure this out that would be great

@highghlow if you can figure this out that would be great

I have figured out the steps needed to install umbrel manually. If everything goes to plan (Which is highly unlikely) the script might be done today (timezones...)

Here you go:

Important info:
You should have a separate partition mounted to /data. In my testing the root partition used up 7GB. I would recommend shrinking the OS partition to 7.5GB and the making a partition for /data in the remaining space (700MB used on a base install). The /data partition should be added to fstab. Everything not in /data will be lost on update.

If any errors occur, please report them to my repo. Not here

there was a warning:
It turns out everything dies after a reboot. Wait until I remove this message

I've fixed it, but I can't test the installer because my VM got borked

Thanks, I'll give it a try soon

Out of curiosity, would it be possible to avoid all that and just host umbrel as a container using docker compose?

Out of curiosity, would it be possible to avoid all that and just host umbrel as a container using docker compose?

I thought about that. It maybe is possible, but mill require large-scale rewrites of umbreld.

Please mark the issue as closed. It now exists unofficially and it can't exist officially.