Gemspec includes delayed_job_active_record and delayed_job_mongoid
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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but do you need to require delayed_job_active_record and delayed_job_mongoid in the gem spec? Surely vero should just require delayed job and then projects using vero can include whichever implementation of delayed job they need.
I've just included vero in my project and I've suddenly found I'm requiring delayed_job_mongoid and mongoid in my project, even though I'm using activerecord.
Also, by requiring delayed_job_active_record or delayed_job_mongoid this implicitly sets the minimum delayed job version at 3.0 (I don't think those gems existed pre-delayed job 3.0). Previously we were using delayed job 2, and have had to upgrade in order to use vero, but I'm not sure if vero actually needs the new features of delayed job 3 or if it's just a side-effect of requiring the acrive record and mongoid implementations.