
Change Status Atribute values to True/False instead of 1/0

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi Gunther,

I made mistake while testing. Could you change Status Atribute values to True/False instead of 1/0. Sorry for causing you rework. Appreciate if you can fix it. Thanks in advance.

True: if test case is passed
False: if test case is failed

I'll update this when some other things need to be done here -- this is a litte change and I don't think it's worth a new version and the current behavior is already documented. But this is also on the good side 😄 as there are environment-variables that allows you to configure what values should be used. See for further info.



trx2junit ...

(or define them in your CI-system globally).

Does this help you?

Thank you for proving work around with variables. It's working with this way. For now I will use this work around. Thanks a lot.

Closing as no further action needs to be done.

Thanks Gunther