
Not working with flake8

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In a project I'm working on (can provide link if you need it) we have a pipeline setup to run flake8, but flake8-isort doesn't seem to run correctly as it doesn't detect isort failures. Running isort only works fine, so I guess its the plugin 😄

Isort config (.isort.cfg)

profile = black
force_single_line = true

Flake8 config (.flake8)

count = true

ignore =
    A002,      # Argument is shadowing a python builtin.
    A003,      # Class attribute is shadowing a python builtin.
    CFQ002,    # Function has too many arguments.
    D102,      # Missing docstring in public method.
    D105,      # Magic methods not having a docstring.
    D412,      # No blank lines allowed between a section header and its content
    E402,      # Module level import not at top of file (isn't compatible with our import style).
    IFSTMT001  # "use a oneliner here".
    T101,      # TO-DO comment detection (T102 is FIX-ME and T103 is XXX).
    W503,      # line break before binary operator.
    W504,      # line break before binary operator (again, I guess).
    S101,      # Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.

# F401: unused import.
# F403: cannot detect unused vars if we use starred import
# FS003: f-string missing prefix.
# R102: unnecessary parenthesis on raised exception (raises false positives in places)
# S106: posible hardcoded password (we dont care about this in the tests)
# D106, D104, D103, D101, D100: Missing docstring in public function/class/module (ignore in tests)
per-file-ignores =
    hikari/              F401,F403
    hikari/events/       F401,F403
    hikari/utilities/      FS003
    hikari/utilities/        FS003
    hikari/impl/  R102
    tests/hikari/*:                  FS003,S106,D106,D104,D103,D101,D100

max-complexity = 20
# TODO reset to 100 again if possible.
max-function-length = 130
# Technically this is 120, but black has a policy of "1 or 2 over is fine if it is tidier", so we have to raise this.
max-line-length = 130
show_source = False
statistics = False

accept-encodings = utf-8
docstring-convention = numpy

Flake8 plugins

# Android support

# Plugins
# Ref:

flake8-bandit~=2.1.2                    # runs bandit
flake8-black==0.2.1                     # runs black
flake8-broken-line==0.2.1               # forbey "\" linebreaks
flake8-builtins==1.5.3                  # builtin shadowing checks
flake8-coding==1.3.2                    # coding magic-comment detectiong
flake8-comprehensions==3.2.3            # comprehension checks
flake8-deprecated==1.3                  # deprecated call checks
flake8-docstrings==1.5.0                # pydocstyle support
flake8-executable==2.0.4                # shebangs
flake8-fixme==1.1.1                     # "fix me" counter
flake8-functions==0.0.4                 # function linting
flake8-html==0.4.1                      # html output
flake8-if-statements==0.1.0             # condition linting
flake8-isort==4.0.0                     # runs isort
flake8_formatter_junit_xml==0.0.6       # junit
flake8-mutable==1.2.0                   # mutable default argument detection
flake8-pep3101==1.3.0                   # new-style format strings only
flake8-print==3.1.4                     # complain about print statements in code
flake8-printf-formatting==1.1.0         # forbey printf-style python2 string formatting
flake8-pytest-style==1.3.0              # pytest checks
flake8-raise==0.0.5                     # exception raising linting
flake8-use-fstring==1.1                 # format string checking

@davfsa thanks for using flake8-isort and on top of it reporting the problems you find with it, so we can improve it 👍 ✨

On to topic: it's a bit hard to debug, which kind of pipeline is that? 🤔 some sort of CI integration I guess?

Can you run the steps on that pipeline locally and the problem does happen as well? 🤔 it might be the way the environment is set on the pipeline that makes it not work? 🤔

@gforcada Yes, I'm also able to reproduce on my machine, not only on CI

Sorry, that I never catch up again on this issue, but since there was no further input, I'm closing this. Please reopen if you still have the same problem.