Eslint plugin
pepijnolivier opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, I read both of your blog posts (1, 2) and thanks for the insights, I now understand useEffect
I would like to integrate granular hooks into an existing codebase because it uses only partial dependencies in many places and I would like to be explicit in showing that these are not bugs in the codebase but actually intentional.
The only thing that's now keeping me from using your granular hook, is the fact that it does not have an eslint plugin.
Because we use eslint extensively and rely on it a lot.
Are you still planning on implementing this ?
If you want to go through the trouble of creating your own custom rules, I adapted the original rule for granular-hooks here.
It works the same was as the original rule, it will suggest missing dependencies and automatically add them in the first array when auto-resolving, but it will not display any warning if the dependency is in the second array.
Alright thanks! I'll give it a go 🙏