
Gain and gamma controls before applying Display/View

jrsndl opened this issue · 1 comments

It is great to be able to adjust Gamma and Gain controls before applying Display/View to the image.
If that would invalidate the cache, maybe making it optional?
Very useful for tech-checking shots for example.

Thank you

It is great to be able to adjust Gamma and Gain controls before applying Display/View to the image. If that would invalidate the cache, maybe making it optional? Very useful for tech-checking shots for example.

AFAIK, gamma and gain are adjusted before OCIO. Do you see it happening otherwise? That might be a bug.

Currently the order of shaders is hard-coded in tlRender code. If you need flexibility from switching from sometimes applying them before and other times applying them after, you should add a feature request with Darby Johnston at:

If it is a feature you need right now you may want to look into OpenRV which has a completely flexible shader pipeline.