
MacOS - File permissions

p2or opened this issue · 5 comments

p2or commented

Hi @ggarra13,

I have just noticed that I cannot load a file that was copied from a network drive and I need to run chmod -R 644 /path/to/file for each file in the first place, to get loaded properly into mrv2.

Default permissions:

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12 16 33

After the call (working):

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12 35 44

Nothing urgent, but since this is a bit cumbersome, do you see a way around it?


I found out I had a BUG as big as a truck!!! I am compiling macOS binaries of v1.07 betas for you to play with.

p2or commented

Great, looking forward to it! Thanks for taking the time to tackle this issue.

p2or commented

Good news: The new build works without any issues and mrv2 is able to load the data. Many thanks for your fix!


I leave it to you to close this issue in case you want to reference a specific commit.

Here are arm64 (M1/M2/M3) binaries of v1.0.7 beta: