
Goal of this project is to demonstrate gRPC based communication between Angular application and java backend.

Main benefits of this approach:

  • server and client stubs are generated automatically out of formal API description in proto format
  • proto messages are backward compatible so it's easy to add new fields without breaking code
  • streaming support

Example definition of proto gRPC service:

service ChatService {
  rpc ReceiveMessages (ReceiveMessagesRequests) returns (stream ChatMessage) {}
  rpc SendMessage (ChatMessage) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
  rpc Ping (ChatMessage) returns (ChatMessage) {}

message ChatMessage {
    string message = 1;
    string user = 2;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;

There's no direct way to call gRPC from browser so additional proxy is required to translate http calls into gRPC calls. Envoy solves this problem.

Disclaimer this is just a PoC/demo. It's rather quick and dirty. Focused mostly on getting it all running togheter. Further improvemetns/cleanup to come in future :)

Building and starting

Disclaimer: setup is tested on ubuntu. Might need some adjustments on Windows machines.

Build and start frontend and backend without docker and use proxy in docker


  • maven
  • npm
  • protoc
  • docker


mvn install
cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/chat-backend-grpc/
mvn spring-boot:run


cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/chat-webapp/
npm install
npm run compile
npm run start

Start proxy


Enjoy chat :P

Open your favourite browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/

Building and starting with docker compose

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/chat-webapp/
npm run compile
mvn install
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Open in browser http://locahost:28080/

Further improvements in docker buld

Current setup requires java app build and proto->typescript compilation outside of docker. Next step is to do it inside docker so then maven/npm/protoc would not be prerequiste to build.

Most important files

Adding new services and testing locally

To add new service:

  1. Add definition in chat.proto
  2. Maven build of chat-proto project (this will generate java stub)
  3. Implement new service in chat-backend-grpc
  4. Compile typescript client code: npm run compile
  5. Implement clinent consumer in app

One disadvantage of gRPC is that it's binary format - not that easy to play with it as with JSON. Fortounately there's great GUI client (like POSTMAN) for gRPC -> BloomRPC. I find it even more convinient that POSTMAN/JSON. It has access to formal API definition so it's able to generate nice requests with all the parameters out of the box.

Project setup notes / troubleshooting

Create webapp

ng new chat-webapp

npm install --save-dev @angular/cli @angular-devkit/build-angular @angular/compiler @angular/compiler-cli grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts @types/node grpc-tools

npm install --save grpc tls stream os fs ts-protoc-gen protoc path grpc-web-client google-protobuf @types/google-protobuf @improbable-eng/grpc-web

Fix compilation error: TS2304: Cannot find name 'Buffer'

Add node types to chat-webapp/src/tsconfig.app.json

"compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["node"]
