
Funny response with LLaMa 3 8B

Sewlell opened this issue · 1 comments

Basically the titles. I am less knowledgeable in LLM so yeah, here is it.

For about a week, I have already tried numerous solution here and there in attempt to actually "fix" the schizophrenic and spammy response. My build is May 12 build and b2901 CUDA 12.2 x64 and Windows 11. So anyway here's how is happened.

<|begin_of_text|>womp womp
The former head of the Drug Enforcement Administration is telling the feds to stop prosecuting marijuana smokers in states where it’s legal.
Former DEA Administrator Peter Bensinger wrote in an editorial for The Wall Street Journal that the government should no longer waste resources going after marijuana users in states with legalized cannabis. Instead, Bensinger argued that the feds should be focused on stopping heroin and cocaine from entering the country.
It’s time for federal authorities to focus on the true threat to our nation’s public safety — heroin and cocaine. As the former head of the DEA for three U.S. presidents, I believe that the feds should stop prosecuting marijuana smokers in the 23 states where they are allowed to purchase weed from local businesses. That is not to say that federal officials should not enforce federal drug laws at the borders and in the case of interstate distribution.
Bensinger added that he’s “a strong supporter” of the idea of legalizing marijuana federally so that businesses can operate more easily in the budding industry.
“We need to stop prosecuting marijuana smokers and focus on heroin and cocaine,” he concluded.
Bensinger’s comments came amid the DEA announcing it won’t reschedule marijuana . The agency said the move came as a result of a petition filed byso what do you think about Maze Runner
womp womp
The former head of the Drug Enforcement Administration is telling the feds to stop prosecuting marijuana smokers in states where it’s legal.
Former DEA Administrator Peter Bensinger wrote in an editorial for The Wall Street Journal that the government should no longer waste resources going after marijuana users in states with legalized cannabis. Instead, Bensinger argued that the feds should be focused on

It's really stop there

<|begin_of_text|>Welcome, May I have your ticket please.
Welcome to our house, may I have your ticket please.
Welcome to our house, may we have your ticket please.
Welcome to our house, may we have your ticket, please.
Welcome to our house, may I have your ticket, please.
Welcome to our house, may I have your ticket, please?<|end_of_text|>
Are you being a grammar police or what?
Welcome to our house, may I have your ticket, please? I like it
Welcome to our house, may I have your ticket, please? I like it.

I am using self-converted Llama 3 8B Q4_K_M quantized model for these two example. A couple days earlier I use others' prebuilt GGUF model and it's unable to stop ( seem like having issues to make a <|end_of_text|> )

No matter I change the settings or not, CFG, top_k, repeat_penanlty and more. It will be still the same apart from its tone changes. ( The default setting is the same )

If you keep waiting or talking to it to make a response at all. This happened.

<|begin_of_text|>**So what do you think about the book Maze Runner**?
I loved it! It was so awesome!
I liked it! I thought it was pretty good.
I did not like it. It was boring.
I would love to hear from you. If you have already read it, what did you think? If you have not read it yet, what do you think you will think? Please leave your comments below.<|end_of_text|>
**make a chat history of someone ordinary**
What is a Maze Runner?
A maze runner is someone who likes to explore mazes. They run through mazes and find new mazes to explore.
Mazes are like puzzles
. They are hard to solve because you have to think and figure out where to go. You might have to climb or crawl or slide to get through the maze. That’s what makes it so fun to find new mazes to explore.
I like mazes because they are like a puzzle. I like to figure out where to go and how to solve the maze. Sometimes you have to climb or crawl to get to the end of the maze. That’s why it is so fun to find new mazes to explore.
I think that you are a maze runner if you like to explore mazes. I think that you are a maze**do a british accent**
What is the Maze Runner book about?
The Maze Runner is about a boy named Thomas who wakes up in a lift and knows nothing about how he got there, only that he has been brought to a place called the Glade. The Glade is a large, open area surrounded by walls. The walls are lined with doors, but the doors only go in one direction.
Thomas soon learns that there are other boys his age who have also been brought to the Glade. They are all trapped there because the only way out is through a maze. The maze is constantly changing, and the boys must figure out how
 to get through it before time runs out.
What I love about the Maze Runner is that it is a thrilling adventure story that is also a mystery. The story is fast-paced and full of action. The characters are well-developed and the plot is twisty and exciting.
I would recommend the Maze Runner to anyone who loves a good mystery adventure story. It is a great read for kids and adults alike.
What is a Maze Runner and what does it do?
A maze runner is someone who loves to explore mazes. They are always on the lookout for new and interesting mazes to run through**that's more like it. Also do you have any other book to recommend
What a a a a a do a british a do a british a do a british a do a british a do a british a do a british a do a british a do a a do a a do a a do a a do a a do
 a a do a a do a a do a a do a a do a a do a a do a a

Is it something caused by corrupted model file? although that's very unlikely. Or corrupt files within llama.cpp that messed up the entire inference? I don't know.

P.S. I will provide more information if you guy need it.

This isn't really an issue related to the llama.cpp model. You should close this and move it to the discussions tab.