Optional body for POST requests
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Hi! I have been using httpin for a while now and it has been an excellent library. However, I recently noticed that one of my post endpoints didn't have any payload defined, and now I need to add an optional json payload to it (optional because it is imperative I don't break backwards compatibility). This is the sample input type I have:
type RegisterAttendance struct {
Slug string `in:"path=slug" validate:"required"`
I need to change it to
type RegisterPayload struct{
VerifiedBy *string `json:"verifiedBy"`
type RegisterAttendance struct {
Slug string `in:"path=slug" validate:"required"`
Payload RegisterPayload `in:"body=json"`
However doing this means I can no longer make a post call with empty body. I mandatorily have to send {}
as the payload. If I don't send any request body, I get the following error:
failed: execute directive \"body\" with args [json] failed: EOF
We have clients that have been making calls without sending any request body to this endpoint, and I can't break those calls. If I was doing this without HTTPIN, I'd check of EOF while decoding JSON explicitly. Is there a way I can get this working with HTTPIN?
Thanks for the help!
I tried this
type OptionalJsonDecoder struct{}
func (o *OptionalJsonDecoder) Decode(src io.Reader, dst interface{}) error {
err := json.NewDecoder(src).Decode(dst)
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return nil
return err
httpin.RegisterBodyDecoder("optionalJson", &OptionalJsonDecoder{}) // in init
but that doesn't seem to be working. I am getting
panic: httpin: unknown body type: "optionaljson"
never mind, it looks like both the tag and the first argument of RegisterBodyDecoder have to be lowercased. It works this way. Is it the best way?
Sorry for the late response. I would like to look into this issue when I have time. I will keep it open.
The body tag is designed to be case-insensitive because I didn't see a value of distinguishing json
and JSON
. By looking into the code, I believe in the latest version, we don't need to use the lowercase name of body in the tag.
If you register a body serializer by using optionalJson
, internally a body format optionaljson
is registerred. And in the tags, you can use both optionalJson
and optionaljson
, or even OptionalJSON
, the latest version should not complain about this.
By inspecting the "EOF issue", IMO, this error is expected for the bulitin json body directive. Because semantically, the body=json
directive just indicates we expect the request body to be a valid JSON input. An empty stream is an invalid JSON input, so the EOF error should and must be raised. I don't want to break it.
So I think the optionalJson
custom body format fits this case perfectly.