
Removing title in ggally_cor

tamas-ferenci opened this issue · 4 comments

One would expect that title="" removes the title in ggally_cor. However, the colon and the line break unfortunately remains, see the following reproducible example:

ggpairs(flea, columns = 2:4, upper = list(continuous = wrap(ggally_cor, title = "")))

Is it possibly to correctly remove the title altogether (i.e., that only a single number remains, and nothing else)?

in ggplot in general argument="" does not "removes" the item .
for that you have element_blank
How the function is written it does not allow to "blank" / remove the title completely

title = title,


you can rewrite the function in a way that allows to remove it pointers above

Thanks! I could've checked ggally_corrs source code myself, sorry... My original question is perhaps better formulated as a feature suggestion in this case. At first glance it seems that allowing sep to be user-manipulated (i.e., adding it as an argument, keeping its current value as default) is a backward compatible change which would also solve this problem.

sep = if ("colour" %in% names(mapping)) ": " else ":\n",