Frames πŸŸͺ

Reach me at @undefined on Warpcast if you have any questions!


Running it locally πŸš€

Install Bun

curl -fsSL | bash
# or
brew install oven-sh/bun/bun

bun install
# set up .env with .env.example
bun run dev

Head to http://localhost:8880/frames

What did we make? ⚑

  • Launch an ERC-20 with automated price curve through frames. example

  • Launch an ERC-1155 with automated price curve through frames. example

  • Launch a community ERC-1155 token with base asset predefined through frames. example

Built with πŸ”¨

Pinata & Frog & Frames.js

Built with a mix of Pinata & Frog & Frames.js πŸΈπŸ–ΌοΈ

I believe each framework has its own strengths, and I wanted to leverage the best of all the worlds.

🐸 Frog

  • πŸ‘ More abstraction. (double edged sword though)
  • πŸ‘ Bun support.
  • πŸ‘ Community middlewares.
  • πŸ₯² Lack of getFrameHtml and XMTP support & utility functions.

πŸ–ΌοΈ Frames.js

  • πŸ‘ Super powerful debugger. Always debugged with frames.js.
  • πŸ‘ Helpful utility functions like getFrameHtml & getFrameFlattened, which is useful for handling unexpected errors.
  • πŸ‘ Supports XMTP! getXmtpFrameMessage

We use getFrame and getFrameFlattened on our separate front-end code, which is a huge life saver.

const other: Metadata['other'] = {
  'fc:frame': 'vNext',
  'fc:frame:image': ogUrl,

const url = `${contractType}-${chain}-${symbolOrAddress}`;

const htmlString = await ky(url)
  .catch((e) => {
    return null;

if (htmlString) {
  const { frame } = getFrame({
    htmlString: htmlString,

  if (frame) {
    const flattened = getFrameFlattened(frame);
    Object.assign(other, flattened);

Also for handling unexpected errors

app.hono.onError((error, c) => {
  const html = getFrameHtml({
    version: 'vNext',
    postUrl: `${origin}/frames`,
    image: `${origin}/frames/assets/error.png`,
    imageAspectRatio: '1:1',
    buttons: [
        action: 'post',
        label: 'Go back',

  return c.html(html);
  • πŸ₯² I wish it was a little more abstracted for common functions like validating all frame messages with a flag.

I tried implementing XMTP in frog, but it seems like it's a bigger obstacle than I thought :c

Pinata πŸ¦™

FDK Analytics

  • πŸ‘ I would have never thought of "Frame Analytics" if it wasn't for Pinata.

    frameId: 'erc1155',

    frameId: 'erc20',


  • πŸ‘ All the data (bonding curve data, image, metadata) lives on-chain.

  • πŸ₯² Wish it had middleware for frog like neynar.
// PinataService.ts
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { PINATA_API_JWT } from './server-env';

export async function uploadToPinata(blob: Blob) {
  const data = new FormData();
  data.append('file', blob);

  const res = await fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${PINATA_API_JWT}`,
    body: data,

  const { IpfsHash } = (await res.json()) as {
    IpfsHash: string;
  return `ipfs://${IpfsHash}`;

export async function uploadMetadataToPinata(
  imageHash: `ipfs://${string}`,
  name: string,
) {
  const defaultExternalLink = ``;
  const defaultDescription = [
    `A Bonding Curved ERC-1155 token powered by bonding curve protocol.`,

  const finalMetadata = {
    description: defaultDescription,
    image: imageHash,
    external_url: defaultExternalLink,
    attributes: [],

  const metadata = JSON.stringify(finalMetadata);
  const metadataBuffer = new File([metadata], 'metadata.json', {
    type: 'application/json',
  return uploadToPinata(metadataBuffer);