
Make an internal function to change LED state

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class MorsDuinoRgbLed {
    // Thos functions will save current state of LED
    int _redColorBuffer;
    int _greenColorBuffer;
    int _blueColorBuffer;
    // Actual function to turn off LED
    void _changeState(bool state);
void MorsDuinoRgbLed::_changeState(bool state) {
    if (state) {
        analogWrite(_redPin, _redColorBuffer);
        analogWrite(_greenPin, _greenColorBuffer);
        analogWrite(_bluePin, _blueColorBuffer);
    } else {
        analogWrite(_redPin, 0);
        analogWrite(_greenPin, 0);
        analogWrite(_bluePin, 0);

And when it changes colors:

void MorsDuinoRgbLed::displayInt(int number, char color) {
    String numbers = String(number);
    size_t numberOfElements = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]);
    for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfElements; i++) {
void MorsDuinoRgbLed(char character, char color) {
    /* "switch case" code that represents morse code table */

And a separate function that will be implemented in _dot() and _dash() functions:

void MorsDuinoRgbLed::_drawColor(char color) {
    int redColor = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0;  // Extract the RR byte
    int greenColor = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0;   // Extract the GG byte
    int blueColor = ((color)&0xFF) / 255.0;          // Extract the BB byte
    // Save color values
    _redColorBuffer = redColor;
    _greenColorBuffer = greenColor;
    _blueColorBuffer = blueColor;
    // Show colors
    analogWrite(_redPin, redColor);
    analogWrite(_greenPin, greenColor);
    analogWrite(_bluePin, blueColor);

Using this code you can turn LED on and off
