
myfixip working for https but not working for http(port80)

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I have apache with myfixip enable, I enabled proxy for ports 443 and 80 on ELB, when I open https website thorough ELB, it is working but not able to reach http(port80 website) and then if I remove ip RewriteIPAllow form myfix.config works oposite ( https not working and http is working)

here is my config:


RewriteIPResetHeader off
RewriteIPAllow (LoadBalancer IP range)

and my website config:

Listen 80
<VirtualHost *:80>

RewriteIPResetHeader on

Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>

RewriteIPResetHeader on

I am trying to open ELB http healthcheck for server-status but myfixip module does not working

here is my goal:

ELB listener 443 for https
http ELB health check /server-status.