
High memory usage / RSS consumption

Closed this issue · 22 comments

flo8 commented

We just added mod_myfixip on our Apache 2.4 configured as a reverse proxy and hosted on AWS behind an ELB with proxy-protocols enabled.

We have a strange pattern for the memory consumption when enabling this mod:


When disabling the mod we can see a much more linear use of memory/RSS consumption. I can see a apr_palloc made in line 340 but do not see where/when is the memory allocated for this is released ?

Just FYI, when removing this mod, we have the following pattern:


Many thanks in advance for your reply!

Thanks for the report @flo8, the apr_palloc(c->pool, sizeof(my_ctx)) function "Allocate a block of memory from a pool", in this case, use the connection pool, in APR this is "automatically" freed after connection is closed.
I suppose that you have keepalive enabled (this extend the life of the connection pool).

@flo8 I found the problem, is related with connection hooks and keepalive. I will correct this in shortly (thanks for the report and detail -It has been very useful-).

This must be corrected in v1.0 [2a41182]
@flo8 can you check if issue is resolved?

flo8 commented

Many thanks for your quick reply. I was actually about to report the same :) Thanks for the fix, I will try that out Monday and will let you know if this fixes the problem, I think it should.

It worked well @flo8?

flo8 commented

Sorry for my late reply, it doesn't solve the problem. I am investigating what may cause the issue to persist and if it is related to mod_myfixip or not at all. Working on it and will keep you posted when I have news. Cheers

@flo8 the problem persist in the same amount of memory consumption? or now less/better?

flo8 commented

It seems the memory is never released actually with this version. In the graph below, you can see that memory increases with time, after a while I launched a load test and memory increases dramatically but is never released obviously. Any idea ?


In this case, you say that... this versión is worse?

flo8 commented

Indeed :)

ok, time to fix! I will try reproduce your environ...

  1. Can you describe me: what tools, command/parameters you used for metrics and load?
  2. What versions are you using?: apache 2.4.x? ubuntu 14.04? centos?
  3. Config: mpm_fork? mpm_worker? how many threads/process?
  4. Light hardware description: how many memory in the server?

Many thanks in advance.

flo8 commented

Sure, you can find the link on serverfault here that describes the environment:

To get my graph, I used the Perl script below that appends memory usage into a file every minute.


while(1) {
   my $total_rss = 0;
   my @rss = `ps -aux | grep apache2 | awk -F" " '{print \$6}'`;
   foreach(@rss) { $total_rss += $_; }
   print $total_rss."\n";
   print FILE $total_rss."\n";

ok, about past...

  1. how do you do with load? apache bench (what load/parameters)?
  2. how many memory have this server? is a test environ or production?

more questions:
5. In serverfault you say that when you do "reload" (graceful), memory is not released, but in this environ you use the "roadrunner2 module", instead of myfixip. With myfixip, memory is released with a reload/graceful?
6. the problem with semaphores that you say in serverfault,... was solved or is mixed in our equation?

flo8 commented
  1. I did a script that simulates kind of real trafic (access different URLs). It is a script I wrote that simply access several URLs, nothing fancy.
  2. The server has 4GB of memory and is a test server
  3. Yes I did use roadrunner2 module with which I had several problems, since then I switched to myfixip. Switching to myfixip allows to recover RSS after a Apache graceful restart as you can see below. The last drop in RSS is due to a apache graceful restart.


  1. Yes my problem is linked to RSS which are increasing and never released. Actually the script (and graph) above are showing how RSS evolve with time. At some points they should be released but they're not.

OK! I think this is resolved. I await your feedback! :-)
v1.2 [a211a0a]

flo8 commented

Great, thanks! Will test this right now. I will let this run for a few hours to see how RSS evolve and will keep you posted tomorrow first thing!

flo8 commented

Good news, the RSS consumption fell dramatically. You can see on the graph below that when I applied the latest version (framed in red) the RSS consumption returned to a normal level. However, on the right graph, I made a zoom and I can still see that RSS consumption is raising over the time which means something somewhere is not released. I think under a heavier load this would be problematic but I don't know if this is related to mod_myfixip yet.


I will let the load test continue today to see the pattern over the day to see if RSS are released at some point.

Good, i will continue the review of code, thanks

flo8 commented

Here is a quick update:


Memory is still increasing with time. Maybe settings a MaxRequestsPerChild with a low value would help ?

It also seems that a apache graceful restart helped to recover most of the memory but not all, I don't know if this is normal...

One thing I can't explain is why there was a sudden surge un memory at some point while my test script is constant in the number of requests it sends.

flo8 commented

The good news is that with the last commit, it seems the memory is increasing much less than it used before. When you compare with the graph on the left, the result is pretty impressive!

I made a comparative, Apache 2.4 / Ubuntu 14.04 (modules: access_compat alias auth_basic authn_core authn_file authz_core authz_host authz_user autoindex dir env headers mime mpm_worker proxy proxy_http setenvif socache_shmcb ssl).

Config with (to use only 1 process/thread and infinite Keepalives -for trace memory leak-):

KeepAlive               On
MaxKeepAliveRequests    0 ***
ServerLimit             1
StartServers            1
MinSpareThreads         1
MaxSpareThreads         1
ThreadLimit             1
ThreadsPerChild         1
MaxRequestWorkers       1
MaxConnectionsPerChild  0
MaxMemFree              1 ***


ab -k -c 1 -n 200000 http://server/test.txt


W=$(ps ax -H | awk '/bin\/apache/ { P=$1 } END { print P }')
echo Catch: $W
ps ax -H | grep "bin\/apache"
> ${F}
while [ "$(grep "^VmRSS:" /proc/${W}/status >> ${F} 2>/dev/null && echo 1)" ]; do
    sleep 5

RSS usage with myfixip disabled/enabled:

T1-Disabled T2-Enabled T3-KA-100 T4-KA-1000
2816 2836 2840 2844
2816 2836 2840 2844
3660 3552 2848 2912
4632 4512 2848 2920
5576 5460 2848 2928
6536 6388 2848 2924
7528 7324 2860 2916
8500 8256 2848 2908
9492 9212 2848 2892
10452 10124 2848 2908
11420 11056 2860 2904
12400 11996 2860 2916
13364 12932 2864 2912
14352 13864 2848 2920
15324 14824 2848 2912
16292 15748 2864 2912
17268 16672 2848 2912
18228 17600 2848 2904
2816 18516 2848 2908
2816 2836 2840 2844
  • T1 = myfixip is disabled (not loaded), MaxKeepAliveRequests=0 (unlimited)
  • T2 = myfixip is enabled (and process PROXY header), MaxKeepAliveRequests=0
  • T3 = myfixip is enabled (and process PROXY header), MaxKeepAliveRequests=100
  • T4 = myfixip is enabled (and process PROXY header), MaxKeepAliveRequests=1000

During keepalive requests, memory is holded in connection scope, instead of request scope (I don't know by who -but no by myfixip-; seem an internal Apache issue). Setting a relatively mid value for MaxKeepAliveRequests looks a good/conservative option.

@flo8 You think that this bug can be marked as resolved?

flo8 commented

Many thanks for the insightful info. Will look deeper into it. For the time being we can close this issue. Cheers.