
How Install Module?

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I installed your module in an apache2 ubuntu 14.04.
But for me don't work.
I wrote in my apache.conf the global directive:


<IfModule mod_myfixip.c>
  RewriteIPResetHeader off

And in my virtual host:


<VirtualHost *:443>
  <IfModule mod_myfixip.c>
    RewriteIPResetHeader on

But when I call an https page with browser the page go in timeout.
I don't find error in my logs.

Hi @fabioce,

best is to say something more about the environment /usage (modules like mod_spdy activated ?).
And you can recompile the module with uncommenting line 136: //#define DEBUG so you have diagnostig logging in central error log to see what happens ( so I do for apache22-module some months ago ;))

how I can understand if you module is enabled?
I find your module here:
ls /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

but I don' find your module here:


How I can enable it?

I tryed with:
sudo a2enmod mod_myfixip
sudo a2enmod myfixip
but a2enmod don't find your module.

its not from me - I made setup with it only for Apache 2.2. some months ago ^^

if you call a2enmod without module name the script would offer you all possible modules.

I think "make install" would copy also the loader/config file to /etc/apache2/mods-available ?
If not you should copy these files to it and then you can use a2enmod for it.

where I can find the loader/config file?
I tryed this line in apache:
LoadModule mod_myfixip /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
but it say me:
Can't locate API module structure `mod_myfixip' in file /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

Well, first:

apxs2 -c -i mod_myfixip.c


### /etc/apache2/mods-available/myfixip.load
LoadModule myfixip_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
### /etc/apache2/mods-available/myfixip.conf
<IfModule mod_myfixip.c>
        RewriteIPResetHeader off
# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet

And finally:

a2enmod myfixip
service apache2 restart

Well thanks.
Now I see the module enabled.
But I'm working with AWS ELB with proxy policy activated to the 443 port.
If I don't use the proxy policy and I don't use your module, but only create a listener in ELB
with TCP 443 -> TCP 443,
I can see my pages in

HTTP with HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR the address of my browser
HTTPS I retrieve only the REMOTE_ADDR with private ip of the balancer.

When I enable your module, I obtain in
HTTP the same HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR address
but in
HTTPS I obtain in REMOTE_ADDR the same address of my browser, perfect.

Do you think is all right now?
The X_Forwarded_for must be undefined in https?
Thanks very much, you are a person very available

yes, X-Forwarded-FOR must not be used for TCP_PROXY because you get the real TCP connection handled over - with additional tunnel informations before the origin data.
In compare to nginx setup you found already in this module handles the tunnel informations automatically to set them as original ones.

The big question is here what IP range/IPs your ELB have in real. Normally AWS uses and not ;)
You can check it - there must be regulary http checks found in your logs created by the ELB - several also with 400 error generating.
You should set IP range because AWS changes from time to time the public/internal IP addresses of ELBs (horror, but cannot be changed, e.g. point 7 in

I'm setting the RewriteIPAllow with the range of my VPC

What do you think if I write the directive:

RewriteIPResetHeader on

in the global settings whilst in every virtualhost?

I think the RewriteIPResetHeader must be always off as ggrandes wrote above.
Because you didn't use the X-Forwarded-For header but proxy_tcp tunnel which gets it information in the TCP packet header itself.

but here:
in the usage is written:


<VirtualHost *:443>
  <IfModule mod_myfixip.c>
    RewriteIPResetHeader on

yes but origin use case of this module was to used behind http proxy but not tcp_proxy.
Best is you test it out if it works/which configuration parameter works and which not. ;)

My objective is to use one ELB with a few of websites, everyone with a differente ssl certificate.
ELB can mount only one certificate, but I can mount many certificates in the various virtual hosts.
So I thinked to use ELB with TCP 443 and proxy protocol to have source values (client IP).
Do you think I need another configuration?

no that would work as you expect...
I tried it with apache22-modules and googles spdy module. The multi ssl variant would work also fine.

It's only a short try out phase you need - perhaps you should temporary also activate the debugging (again) so you can see how the module is working/recognizing the incoming requests.

I activated the debug mode, but onestly I don't understand if the flow is good :)
But I noticed that I have these 3 lines in the FIRST virtual-host error-log:

[Tue Sep 22 18:25:11.082021 2015] [ssl:info] [pid 28918] [client] AH01964: Connection to child 3 established (server
[Tue Sep 22 18:25:11.163689 2015] [ssl:info] pid 28918End of file found: [client] AH01991: SSL input filter read failed.
[Tue Sep 22 18:25:11.237189 2015] [ssl:info] [pid 28919] [client] AH01964: Connection to child 4 established (server

Every time I request an HTTPS page of every sites.
I verified lines logged in the correct apache-ssl-access-log I request, with the correct page I request, but the three lines up reported are written every time for every https pages. is the first virtualhost
What do you think?


I activate the module and configure the file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/myfixip.conf, but when I activate proxy protocol at ELB my browser display this error:

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Request header field is missing ':' separator.

What's my problem?


Can anyone help me?

Sorry, difficult to say something for me - especially I have to use actually Nginx which has it's own spdy/http2 module.

I think best is to check the communication on server port to see what happens between client and server:

  • on server side:
    • tcpdump
    • tshark
      -* also very nice "ngrep"
  • on client side:
    • fiddler2

You can also check inital / basic OpenSSL communication, e.g. with:

➜  ~  openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -state
SSL_connect:before/connect initialization
SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
SSL_connect:unknown state
depth=1 C = IL, O = StartCom Ltd., OU = Secure Digital Certificate Signing, CN = StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Server CA
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:0
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
SSL_connect:unknown state
Certificate chain

There must be better options for checking... ah like:

➜  ~  openssl s_client -connect -nextprotoneg ''
Protocols advertised by server: h2, h2-15, h2-14, spdy/3.1, spdy/3, http/1.1
140188255655568:error:140920E3:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_HELLO:parse tlsext:s3_clnt.c:1043:
no peer certificate available