
results on the LEVIR-CD

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thank you very much for your excellent work,

I found that I could not achieve the expected results of the paper when reproducing the code results. May I ask if there are any issues with my reproduction process?

args = {
    'train_batch_size': 4,
    'val_batch_size': 4,
    'lr': 0.1,
    'epochs': 50,
    'gpu': True,
    'dev_id': 0,
    'multi_gpu': None,  #"0,1,2,3",
    'weight_decay': 5e-4,
    'momentum': 0.9,
    'print_freq': 50,
    'predict_step': 5,
    'crop_size': 512,
    'pred_dir': os.path.join(working_path, 'results', DATA_NAME),
    'chkpt_dir': os.path.join(working_path, 'checkpoints', DATA_NAME),
    'log_dir': os.path.join(working_path, 'logs', DATA_NAME, NET_NAME),
    'load_path': os.path.join(working_path, 'checkpoints', DATA_NAME, 'xxx.pth')}
python train_SAM_CD.py
  • reproduce results:

  • paper results

1704182841534 me too

1704182841534 me too

This are the results on the validation set. The results in the paper are obtained on the test set.
Please first run 'Pred_CD.py', then using the evaluation codes to obtain the metrics.

1704182841534 me too

This are the results on the validation set. The results in the paper are obtained on the test set. Please first run 'Pred_CD.py', then using the evaluation codes to obtain the metrics.