
timestamps of don't match the times of the actual actions in the replay files

bw-leran opened this issue · 2 comments

I've tested this out with a couple different files now. I'm printing out each event in, but when double checking the events against the actual replay file (meaning I'm actually watching a .SC2Replay file and checking what time things are occuring in the replay then comparing that to the timestamps from the times aren't exactly matching up. For example, says that a refinery is built at 17 seconds, but I can clearly see that it is built at 13 seconds. The actions are accurate, but the times seem to be off. Is this normal? Or am I loading the replay file incorrectly?

Here is how I'm loading the replay file:

replay = sc2reader.load_replay(replay_file,engine=sc2reader.engine.GameEngine(plugins=[ContextLoader(),APMTracker(), SelectionTracker()]))

It looks like this may be related to #130 as doing (17*16)/22.4 puts it in the correct ballpark (guessing its not closer to 13 due to those times being just seconds and not factoring in decimal values)

@Andrene thanks for linking that issue. That solution seems to be much more accurate. I was using general terms with seconds, I'm using the actual frames to get the exact time to include decimal values.