rvi_capture Error : __main__.IDeviceError: Error in libimobiledevice: Missing Error
oi23mkoshiba opened this issue · 3 comments
I wrote from Japan, so I apologized for my poor English.
I get this bug.
This packet capture utility says "Error Missing".
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 366, in <module>
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 356, in main
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 295, in run
for pkt in self.pkt_iter:
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 183, in __iter__
[chunk_len] = UB32.unpack(read_fully(4))
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 178, in read_fully
b += conn.recv(n - l)
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 123, in recv
self.handle, out, num_bytes, ctypes.byref(out_bytes), ctypes.c_uint(599)))
File "./rvi_capture.py", line 59, in check
raise cls(err)
__main__.IDeviceError: Error in libimobiledevice: Missing Error
So, I try to see the error code, and the error code is -7.
Source is written:
error = 'Error in libimobiledevice: ' + {
0: 'Success',
-1: 'Invalid Argument',
-2: 'Unknown Error',
-3: 'No Device',
-4: 'Not Enough Data',
-5: 'Bad Header',
-6: 'SSL Error',
}.get(code, 'Missing Error')
But I get the error code, -7.
I can't solve this bug. Any ideas?
On Fedora 31 with a device running iOS 12.4.5
I have the same error. Did you manage it? Thanks
I've had the same problem.
Solved it by disabling the error handler:
on line 60: change raise cls(err)
into pass
With this I was able to capture the packets needed to extract the user/pass from a pop3 account.
Much easier than setting up a man in the middle router with packet capture. (since mail on ios does not use the http proxy)
Should be solved with recent commits, re-open this issue if not.