
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The project 🧙

This is a project that was created to help scientists to figure out how they can help ducks. There is a form that consists of a bunch of questions needed to find parameters, where a user will be able to inform his/her routine feeding ducks and an administrative area where scientists can log, check information registered using different filters and getting or generating reports about these searches.

It is hosted in HEROKU and can be checked here:

It was:

  • Started on 16/04/2020
  • Finished on 20/04/2020

Stack 💻

  • Python
  • Django
  • Google Recaptcha to avoid bots
  • Google Maps to get address in a friendly way
  • Material Design
  • Django Rest Framework to support possible extensions for other cool things like React or Angular.

Browser Support (tested on) 🌎

  • Chrome latest
  • Firefox latest
  • Brave latest

Features ⭐️

  • Home

    • Fill the form which validates the data. It uses Google Maps, Google Address and Google Recaptcha.
  • Admin

    • Uses the information, generating reports. The module has access to all other modules, being able to CRUD all the data.

    • Offers a REST API to all models registered being easy to extend the functionalities.

How to install? 🔧


  • Clone the repo
  • Run in cmd "source dataducks-venv/bin/activate" to enable the venv
  • Run pip3.7 install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies in venv
  • Create db config to your Postgresql (DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS, PORT)
  • Rename .env.example to .env and check the keys in .env, adding their values
  • Run in cmd "python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb" to update db with some app dependencies
  • Create a superuser to make it easier to create and check data, using the cmd "python manage.py createsuperuser" and follow the instructions

Approach ⚙️

The project started with the mission of create some technical support to build a web app that was able to generate a form and some reports about the data.

In a first moment a lot of techs could be used, but my decision was based in using tools that I could take less time as possible to develop. I wondered a little bit about how to attend the points giving a good relevance to important points like security, good access to data using REST and authentication.

All of that using a tool where I could reach great performance, talking about time and delivery. I also thought about the possibility of data being used by a scientist, becoming important to choose some technologies with support to that kind of extension, which influenced my decision.

So, I decided to use Django/Python and Mongo. I changed Mongo to Postgresql because of Heroku's deployment. To do that option was good since Postgresql has support to extend the app to DataScience apps.

What I'd do differently 🔮💣️

  1. I would create a better layout, using more images, background and probably some animation.

  2. I would love to use React, Angular or Vue, increasing more reactivity concepts. In a first moment I checked this, installing webpack and things like that but after a while I realized it was unnecessary, since I would use just a single page to create the form.

  3. Having more time I probably would think how to increment the functionalities.

  4. I wouldn't use Mongo in a Heroku project since I faced unexpected problems to config that there, wasting a time where other things could be done.

  5. I would develop thinking more about tests, but Django does a lot of work alone, which is a good and bad thing, at the same time.

  6. I would like to adapt and use an amazing boilerplate that I've found, created by great souls. It uses a lot of good things like CI, Docker, Celery, Sentry, React, all already configurated, which sounds really nice. Open https://github.com/vintasoftware/django-react-boilerplate to check.

Final notes 📔

I am really happy with the results. This was a graceful experience.