rnk is a RTOS targeting ARM architecture.
For now, only the Cortex-M4 is supported. ARM7TDMI is no longer supported.
- get a cross compiler for baremetal arm, here: https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads
- export ARCH=arm
- export your cross compiler bin/ folder in PATH
- export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-
- edit the cross compiler path in "setup.sh" and use it like: $. setup.sh
- make the boards config you wanted (take a look at: arch/arm/configs), for example: make stm32f429_disco_defconfig
- and then: make clean && make all
- flash the kernel on the board & enjoy
- Building the kernel with symbols lookup table for using apps/ and quite painful since you need to build 3 times the kernel for : compile without the symbols / generate the symbols lookup array / compile with the symbols lookup array.
- Scheduling algo needs to be improved on real applications.
- Writing data in flash on stm32 boards are buggy.