
A simple Lambda function built with Java (Corretto 11) to be deployed twice: once using default ephemeral storage and once with large ephemeral storage.

Each deployed function is behind a REST API method allowing us to test it.

The entire stack is deployed using CloudFormation (see template.yml).

Build and Deploy

$  ./gradlew -q clean packageLibs && mv build/distributions/ build/distributions/ && ./gradlew -q build

$  aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket ephemeral-tester-src --output-template-file out1.yml --region eu-west-1

$  aws cloudformation deploy --template-file out1.yml --stack-name ephemeral-tester --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region eu-west-1

$  aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket ephemeral-tester-src2 --output-template-file out2.yml --region eu-south-1

$  aws cloudformation deploy --template-file out1.yml --stack-name ephemeral-tester --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region eu-south-1

These commands respectively:

  • Build and package the application: function and its dependency JARs are packaged in 2 separate zip files
  • Prepare CloudFormation template twice for 2 different regions: upload zip files to S3 and update the template with S3 URIs
  • Deploy the stack in 2 different regions


  • Prior to these steps, you have to create the ephemeral-tester-src and ephemeral-tester-src2 S3 buckets. DO NOT make the buckets public. Instead, configure your AWS CLI correctly to be able to upload source zip file to S3 (when running aws cloudformation package).
  • As it can be seen, gradlew is used for building the app. The wrapper script will automatically pull gradle the first time it runs. thus, one doesn't need to install gradle.