A simple Lambda function built with Java (Corretto 11) to be deployed twice: once using default ephemeral storage and once with large ephemeral storage.
Each deployed function is behind a REST API method allowing us to test it.
The entire stack is deployed using CloudFormation (see template.yml
$ ./gradlew -q clean packageLibs && mv build/distributions/lambdaEphemeral.zip build/distributions/lambdaEphemeral-libs.zip && ./gradlew -q build
$ aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket ephemeral-tester-src --output-template-file out1.yml --region eu-west-1
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file out1.yml --stack-name ephemeral-tester --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region eu-west-1
$ aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket ephemeral-tester-src2 --output-template-file out2.yml --region eu-south-1
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file out1.yml --stack-name ephemeral-tester --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region eu-south-1
These commands respectively:
- Build and package the application: function and its dependency JARs are packaged in 2 separate zip files
- Prepare CloudFormation template twice for 2 different regions: upload zip files to S3 and update the template with S3 URIs
- Deploy the stack in 2 different regions
- Prior to these steps, you have to create the
S3 buckets. DO NOT make the buckets public. Instead, configure your AWS CLI correctly to be able to upload source zip file to S3 (when runningaws cloudformation package
). - As it can be seen,
is used for building the app. The wrapper script will automatically pullgradle
the first time it runs. thus, one doesn't need to installgradle