
loading features

npltr62 opened this issue · 1 comments

hello when i switched to v0.12 this code below not working.
<vl-layer-vector :z-index=0> <vl-source-vector ref="dept_Source" :url="dept_url"/> <vl-style> <vl-style-fill color="#cacee6"></vl-style-fill> <vl-style-stroke :width=0.5 color="grey"></vl-style-stroke> </vl-style> </vl-layer-vector> data() { return { dept_url: null } }, mounted () { this.isLoading = true; setTimeout(() => { this.dept_url = process.env.VUE_APP_GEOSERV + "geoserver/fd/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=fdp49%3Adept_49&outputFormat=application%2Fjson" this.isLoading = false; }, 2000); },
in latest version, a url validator was added cf doc. Should i use loader property?

Hello @npltr62 ,
I have forgot to add source refresh on url, loader prop changes.
I'll fix this ASAP.
Thanks for report!