
Selectbox height/ Export to csv without headers

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Version 2.14.1

  1. Is there a way in to increase the height used in the following so more items display in select
    id: 'Account',
    name: 'Account',
    field: 'account',
    filterable: true,
    formatter: Formatters.singleSelect,
    type: FieldType.string,
    excludeFromExport: true,
    editor: {
    collection: this.accounts,
    customStructure: {
    value: 'name',
    label: 'name'

     model: Editors.singleSelect

    minWidth: 100,
    params: {
    formatters: Formatters.collectionEditor
    2 Is there a way to exclude coulmn headers from export to csv

All the documentation for the Select Filter is in the Wiki, you can change the height and the same goes for the Export to CSV - Wiki, you can exclude and it's in the wiki.. Just read the Wikis and let me know if you can't find the answer

Have you managed to find the answer or do you still need more info? I'd like to close this issue or if the Wiki does not have the answer you are looking for then let me know and I'll update the Wiki and point you in the right direction. Cheers

I found the following but still haven't been able to increase the number of rows displayed in a filter collection.
filterOptions: {
autoAdjustDropPosition: True, // by default set to True, but you can disable it
// // position: 'top',
maxHeight: "400"
I will be working on this Tuesday 11/26 and will get back to you,

The multiple/single select Filter uses an external library named multiple-select.js, all the options for that library can be found in this TypeScript interface and if you use TypeScript you should cast it as that interface to make sure you use only valid options.

filterOptions: {
    maxHeight: 400
} as MultipleSelectOption

which by the way, your problem might be because you wrote it as a string but it should be a number, you should replace this maxHeight: "400" to maxHeight: 400 which you would have caught with the filterOptions: { ... } as MultipleSelectOption

Another possible thing, the defaults which are used to construct the Multiple Select Filter can be found under that Filter here, it has the autoAdjustDropHeight: true and that might cause some problem in your case if you don't have enough space to display it.


I have updated the Select Filter Wiki to emphasis what I just wrote.

Closing since this is a question, not an issue with the lib, and it was answered.
Feel free to reply if that is not the case.