
Breaks Gmail interface

Closed this issue · 4 comments

With Chameleon enabled, attempting to view a message in Gmail causes the following error:

Uncaught CustomError: Error in protected function: Cannot read property '1' of null 

There is also a "Loading..." message that occasionally appears at the top of the screen and stays there.

Hi illuminatedgeek, thanks for reporting this bug!

Note that while this sort of thing would be critical in a production app, Chameleon is still pre-alpha software. Please allow for more time to fix compatibility issues such as this one. Getting compatibility issues documented is very helpful, however.

Yeah I totally understand. Mainly it's just an indication that it's breaking some DOM object that might affect other sites besides Gmail, but I couldn't figure out what exactly was being accessed (the exception is thrown by minified code that's close to impossible to comprehend).

Keep up the good work!

I had issues on facebook and 9gag, too.
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Disabling Chameleon helped to fix these :/

The Gmail issue should be fixed with 9443059, closing. Please open new issues for any other breakages.