- Using a Raspberry Pi
- Running Raspbian "Wheezy"
- Have access to the internet without a proxy
- Access to root privileges
- Have a webcam on /dev/video0
- Exit if it's not executed with root privileges
- Updates repo information
- Installs from repos: libv4l-0 and v4l-utils
- Downloads MJPG-streamer-rpi.tar.gz to /tmp/MJPG-streamer-rpi.tar.gz (source can be changed)
- Untar and decompress to directory in /opt (/opt is default, can be changed to suit taste)
- Changes default values for YUV and Port (defaults: YUV="false" and port=8080)
- alias in /usr/bin (perhaps)
- option to run as service from init.d
- echo url to stream on start? http://$ipaddr:$port/?action=stream
- detect yuv v mjpeg and configure as appropriate(?)
- Run as root, service for /etc/init.d (fork)
- Download directly or use git clone.
- Edit to customize target directory, enable YUV, or change the download source as you see fit: (using nano from the command line) nano /path/to/pi-face.sh
- Run the script as root: sudo /path/to/pi-face.sh