
WPM speed in RSVP

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WPM speed in RSVP

These component lifecycle methods could be useful

Previous, current, and next, oh my!
Working with state can be tricky—no doubt.
That pain isn’t telling you to install a library. It’s telling you to learn more about a component lifecycle methods.
shouldComponentUpdate, componentWillUpdate, and componentDidUpdate are where you’ll interact with the various states of state.

How to Calculate Typing Speed (WPM) and Accuracy:

I really need to add styling to align the WPM Speed and buttons horizontally

Okay, the styling is good enough to continue implementing the functions to the buttons and text view.

I think the rsvp() function needs to accept some calculated number as a parameter(or is it an argument??) that will be used to set the timeout value.

I very likely may have to begin handling this component with the animated library and native driver to get accurate wpm, because as is the delay is just a minim delay, not a guaranteed time due to being run only in the single javascript thread. However passing that off to the native UI thread could solve that.