
release 2 features

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    • Install instructions
    • provide environment files for integration with ASTRA and TomoPy
    • gif video
    • cluster integration
    • gspread integration
      • requirements
      • link video on how to setup Google API
  • expert settings
  • check for imagej exe path
  • submit to cluster button
    • write slurm job
    • submit slurm job to rum cluster
    • log recon parameters to gspread master
    • sino range enable
    • cluster integration comment
  • implement dxchange.reader.readbeats
  • write recon midplanes (test pending)
    • alrecon
  • ring-artefact correction
    • remove stripes (sinogram space)
    • remove stripes in
  • extended FOV clipping (360 to 180deg sino)
  • oauth2client deprecated
  • absolute settings path
  • log to gspread option
  • attempt gpsread load keys
  • import touint from recon_utils
  • free all processed data at new H5 file load
  • directory autocompletion ('recon', 'cor') based on experiment dir and dataset name
  • delegate logging
  • deactivate napari viewers if napari not installed
  • deactivate napari viewers if alrecon is launched as local host app
  • move gspread key path to local config file
  • launch pages within jupyter notebook
  • MultiPage with Settings page
  • config and user_config YAML files
  • Recon with different algorithms
  • phase-retrieval
  • Dataset info using reactive input
    • projs size
  • circular mask
  • 16-bit option
  • data range for write
  • proj range
  • COR range slider
  • COR slice input
  • COR guess button
  • Recon
  • write recon to disk
  • Napari viewer
    • projs
    • recon
  • disable buttons:
    • Load if h5 file not selected
    • COR if data not loaded
    • Recon if data not loaded
    • write recon if data not reconstructed
    • napari proj if data not loaded
    • napari recon if data not reconstructed
  • this al-recon instance has reconstructed N datasets