
watchdog for automatic reconstruction with COR guess

Opened this issue · 2 comments

What it does:

  • listen trigger from DAQ (.H5 file creation complete; DAQ complete)
  • load only central sinogram line (fast) (or 100 lines)
  • if previous recon of a scan with the same base_name exists: reconstruct with the same COR
  • else: guess COR
  • write 1 reconstructed slice for inspection


  • size of sinogram loaded can be script argument

See one prototype here

@phlpphns I suggest to develop this wdog as a standalone script, not embedded within alrecon. This gives some advantages:

  • not everyone wants to reconstruct with alrecon, but the wdog remains a useful tool that one could start from the terminal
  • we could think of the wdog running on the cluster with little resources attached, while the wstation where alrecon runs remains free for other stuff
  • I found one test of such wdog that I had already created here.. might be a good starting point

Epics PVs with the file name of the latest hdf5 file and a status True/False if measurement finished have been provided. An initial watchdog crawling all files in the experimental directory that takes that into account and also stores potential existing reconstructions in being worked on.