
Direct lifx lan service call from esphome?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

10bn commented

sry for the question here but I don't know where else to ask this.

Would it possible (easy) to directly turn on or off LIFX bulbs from esphome without a broker or anything in between?

You can enable the web interface or the API and control the bulbs via the native Esphome interface, it's just right now the lifx side doesn't remain state-aware of changes made externally and will report out it's own last known values.

At some point I had planned on coding a loop to watch for external state changes to update the lifx variables used in the packet responses.

10bn commented

ahh, sry I left to little information about my intentions.

The Idea was to control (on / off) original LIFX bulbs via the lan api directly from an ESPHome Node like a smart wall switch.