Grafana ingress template fails to create ingress
RahulMahale opened this issue · 0 comments
RahulMahale commented
After doing kubectl apply -f manifests-all.yaml
It fails to launch the ingress with this error
namespace "monitoring" created
clusterrolebinding "kube-state-metrics" created
clusterrole "kube-state-metrics" created
serviceaccount "kube-state-metrics" created
clusterrolebinding "prometheus" created
clusterrole "prometheus" created
serviceaccount "prometheus-k8s" created
deployment "grafana-core" created
configmap "grafana-import-dashboards" created
job "grafana-import-dashboards" created
error: error validating "manifests-all.yaml": error validating data: field spec for v1beta1.IngressSpec: expected object of type map[string]interface{}, but the actual type is []interface {}; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
Fix for this is to add rules:
at Line number 2053 here