
Re-usable JSON schema

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Re-usable JSON schema

The purpose is to simplify the building of schemas for app configuration (values.yaml) validation and foster alignment between apps.


  • clustername: String property to specify the name of a workload cluster.

  • image: To specify a (Docker) container image to use in a container environment, plus additional information like a pull policy (Kubernetes specific).

  • labelvalue: String to be used as a Kubernetes resource label value.

How to use

Schema in this repository can be referenced from other schemas via out schema.giantswarm.io resource URLs. Example:

    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "image": {
            "$ref": "https://schema.giantswarm.io/image/v0.0.1"

See also this example PR: https://github.com/giantswarm/dex-app/pull/236/files

schema.giantswarm.io URLs

The content of this repository (main branch only) is served by schema-server under URLs of the following format:


For example:


Adding schema

  • Use branches for schema in development.
    • If needed, you can reference a schema in development via https://raw.githubusercontent.com/giantswarm/schema/BRANCH/PATH.
  • Make sure to set a simple and useful folder name on the top level, using only the characters [a-z0-9] and the - separator.
  • Add a README.md file to your folder, explaining how to use the schema etc.
  • For a schema release to be published under schema.giantswarm.io, name the file in the format VERSION.json, where VERSION must match v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ (this is more restrictive than semver!).
  • Maintain CHANGELOG.md.


Each schema is versioned individually. Each schema file carries its own semver version number in the file name. However we only support numeric major, minor and patch version segments.

Historic versions are kept in the repository default branch, unless we have a good reason to delete a version/file.

Changes between versions are tracked in the changelog.