
Failed to load save: invalid or unsupported verion.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Everytime I try to load and start to mod my borderlands 2 save file from horizon I get this message.

Same issue :(
Are you using a PS4 save?

The 2015 save editor worked fine for me a couple of years ago, but I am now getting this same issue with all versions of it. It will not let me open any of my Xbox 360 saves. It won't even let me re-open the saves that I newly made with the save editor itself. :(

@Brandon125911 Are you sure you're selecting Xbox 360 in the open file dialog?

I have extracted my Xbox 360 file in Horizon and opened it in Gibbed as a Xbox 360 save file and even if I try to put it back in Horizon without altering it, I get a message about an invalid signature type for the loaded package. I have read many threads and have no idea what I am doing wrong. In Gibbed in the general tab Xbox 360 is the selected platform. Is there something I am doing wrong on Horizon to reopen it? I am just dragging and dropping like I did my original save file.

You're probably not selecting the correct platform in the Open File dialog, in the file type. The dropdown in the General tab is the platform for the currently loaded save, not what it will try to open.