Web Scrobbler helps online music listeners to scrobble their playback history.
The extension can be either downloaded from the Chrome Web Store, AMO, or installed as an unpacked extension.
It can be installed directly from Chrome Web Store with Chrome used.
Opera users can install the extension from Chrome Web Store using the Download Chrome Extension addon for Opera.
For those who prefer Firefox as a main browser, the extension is available on AMO.
To install the extension from sources or zip file, read this page if you're on Chrome, or this one if you use Firefox.
Before building the extension you should install dependencies:
# Install dependencies
> npm install
# Build the extension
> npx grunt build:firefox
# or
> npx grunt build:chrome
The built extension is available in build
directory. You can install it as an
unpacked extension from this directory.
The detailed build instruction is available here.
Check the wiki page to understand development of connectors. Please also read contributions guidelines.
We use Transifex to maintain translations. If you want to translate the extension, follow this wiki page for details.
Follow @web_scrobbler on Twitter to receive the latest news and updates.
Join the experimental Discord channel to discuss the extension.
See the privacy policy.
Licensed under the MIT License.