
How to use

Keeping7 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for your contribution.
When i run, the following lines appear:

loading annotations into memory...
Done (t=14.37s)
creating index...
index created!

Then it's stuck here all the time without generating the final json file.

Could you help me? @giddyyupp @nerminsamet

In order to check debug outputs, could you run again with adding --debug flag and share the output with us.

Hello, In order to check debug outputs, could you run again with adding --debug flag and share the output with us. Thanks

When considering --debug, the issue is solved. Besides, I would like to ask:

  1. What is the relationship between the run_count and image_count? Does reducing the run_count have any effect on the final json file?
  2. How are the pictures in figures generated and analyzed? Is there any extra code?

Looking forward to your reply.

  1. actually there is no relationship. increasing run_count increases the chance of sampling much closer distribution to original coco dataset. image_count specifies how many images you want to sample from coco dataset. In mini-coco, we sampled 25k images. You could adjust this number based on your needs.
  2. Figures are prepared by just reading mini-coco and original coco train json files. We left a commented visualization code in the file.