
[Issue] Wrong perspective

Closed this issue · 21 comments

When I use the shrink mod on myself or my friends we have deafult size perspective on the different sized and only holding shift sets the correct perspective.


Ingame I only have backpack in the curio slot.

Forge or NeoForge?
*Forge version?
Shrink version?

Forge forgot to add

Still going to need the version numbers

just updated the comment but just incase
Minecraft 1.20.1
Forge 47.2.1

It's working just fine for me


:/ great now i can have fun looking throu the list what mod hates shrink mod for a sec I thought it would be shaders from oculus but nope, maybe attribute fix? well f me but thx anyways

Shrink does not use attribute so I don't think so, I would look at anything that adds "poses" or maybe player animations

If you find out what it is please do let me know so I can see if I can patch it

alright will do

Would you be interested in using a test build if I give you one? Just to help figure out what is going on?

I think I am good I going with the old reliable of disabling mod and seeing which one doesnt like shrink and it is easy thx to curseforge launcher

The mod breaking the perspective is Alex's Caves

Odd, Thanks for letting me know

I wonder for why it resets the height, atleast I found a incompability so I wish GL on fixing (if it is possible)

Yup, Thinking of a good way of handling this

So, Wanna test a "fixed" build for me?

Fixed, The New build will be on CurseForge in the next few minutes

Didnt see you answer ye let me check

WORKS just fine now ty for the fix :D

Perfect, Thanks for tracking down the mod that did it :D