Add SiFive
amalrkc opened this issue · 2 comments
SiFive, Inc. is a fabless semiconductor company and provider of commercial RISC-V processor IP and silicon chips based on the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA). SiFive's products include cores, SoCs, IPs, and development boards.
SiFive is one of the first companies to produce a chip that implements the RISC-V ISA. Wikipedia
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I'm not sure about this one. Risc-v, for sure, but this is just one of many companies building chips with the architecture, right?
Yes, you are correct but they play a much bigger role than just manufacture of RISC-V chips.
SiFive has made significant contributions to RISC-V research and development in several ways:
Development of RISC-V ISA: SiFive was founded by the inventors of RISC-V, and they have been instrumental in the development of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) since 2010.
Commercialization of RISC-V: SiFive has played a key role in the commercialization of RISC-V, providing RISC-V solutions and having the largest investment and team dedicated to RISC-V.
Innovation in Microarchitecture Design: SiFive’s innovation in microarchitecture design and configurability has led to an industry-leading portfolio of RISC-V processor cores for domain-specific SoC design. Their Core IP portfolio of RISC-V processor cores is based on unique microarchitecture generators that offer unmatched configurability.
Bridging the Gap: While RISC-V is “free” and “open,” there is a significant gap between having RISC-V code and making a functioning chip. SiFive bridges this gap by providing the necessary add-ons, tools, and features needed to turn RISC-V code into a functioning chip.
Leadership in the RISC-V Movement: SiFive has assumed a leadership role in the RISC-V movement, providing tested Intellectual Property (IP) and support for chip developers who incorporate RISC-V into their products. The company is leading the way for innovation on RISC-V and is playing a pivotal role in propelling the RISC-V industry into new frontiers of performance and applicability.
In summary, SiFive’s contributions to RISC-V research have been pivotal in the development, commercialization, and innovation of the RISC-V architecture. They continue to lead the way in advancing the RISC-V movement.
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