
Animations will not run on refresh

waltercolindres opened this issue · 7 comments

Hey there!

So I ran into an issue where the animations won't run for me on a refresh. I have to visit another page and then come back to see them. Any suggestions? Here's a link:

Don't mind the mess of a layout, we are deploying a fixed version soon.

That's a strange problem indeed. What browser are you testing with? (I am unable to reproduce on Chrome)

Chrome (38.0.2125.111) on mac. Running a bootstrap/angular js project.

Looks like the it does not run on the initial load, I tried on safari and had to reload to the animations.

any console errors?

Safari -- Viewport argument key "minimal-ui" not recognized and ignored. (Not sure if that's related to spark scroll)

Firefox did not show errors or the animations, but I could see the images. Once I reload, I saw the animations.

I don't think those errors are spark-scroll related. Try using sparkSetup.enableInvalidationInterval()

Looks to be running better on my local machine. Will push up later today and test it further. Thanks for you assistance!