
[QUESTION] How does one mock zip.js in Jest tests?

remarkablemark opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using zip.js in my frontend project and I'm trying to write Jest tests but they're failing with:

    ReferenceError: TransformStream is not defined

    > 1 | import { BlobReader, BlobWriter, ZipWriter } from '@zip.js/zip.js';
        | ^

I'm using jsdom for my test environment.

Is the best way to resolve this is to mock the node module? I have seen other projects provide a mock file for Jest.

If the web steam API is not available, then you should able to circumvent this issue by importing this module before running the tests:

Thanks! I ended up creating a module mock for the package:

mkdir -p __mocks__/@zip.js/
echo "module.exports = {};" > __mocks__/@zip.js/zip.js.js