
Using README Instructions for pod install still gets 0.4

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Maybe its because I'm a newbie with cocoa pods but I'm not sure how to get 0.5. Pod install gives me 0.4. When I add the version 0.5 to my Podfile it basically can't find it.


@bgendler versions 0.5 and 0.5.1 weren't pushed to Cocoapods Repository.

@gilesvangruisen Could you run pod trunk push YouTubePlayer.podspec? Only you are allowed to do that.

While waiting for an update you can do that
pod 'YouTubePlayer', :git => ''

Really sorry for the delay, y'all. I just deployed 0.7.0 a few days ago which includes some bug fixes and transitioned from UIWebView (deprecated) to WKWebView.

I'm going to close this issue but please let me know if you have any questions.